Sears Electric HW heater

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    • #280485
      Avatar photojoprestwood

        The heat kicks off every day, but when it heats the water it is very hot. I press the reset button to start it up again.

      • #305283
        Avatar photoJim Daues

          : The heat kicks off every day, but when it heats the water it is very hot. : I press the reset button to start it up again.Normally the lower T-stat is bad when this happens.since the heat rises and the lower t-stat and element does the most work,its usually the lower t-stat that is bad.With an ohm meter and a cigarette lighter you can easily check it .

        • #305284
          Avatar photoJim Daues

            : The heat kicks off every day, but when it heats the water it is very hot. : I press the reset button to start it up again.Normally the lower T-stat is bad when this happens.since the heat rises and the lower t-stat and element does the most work,its usually the lower t-stat that is bad.With an ohm meter and a cigarette lighter you can easily check it .

          • #309292
            Avatar photoJim Daues

              : The heat kicks off every day, but when it heats the water it is very hot. : I press the reset button to start it up again. This is a different message. My mane is Linda Beckman and a year and a half ago I bought a Sears electric water heater. It is now leaking from the tank and when I called Sears to see about fixing or replacing it I was told it would coat me $49.00 just to have someone look at it. Then it would cost more for parts and labor. How can I be charged because I was sold a defective appliance? I feel that it is their product and they should be liable for any cost to fix or replace it. After all a water heater should last longer than 1 1/2 years, dont you think. I am very angry and will take this as far as I can go with it, and I will NEVER buy another thing at Sears.

            • #309293
              Avatar photoJim Daues

                : The heat kicks off every day, but when it heats the water it is very hot. : I press the reset button to start it up again. This is a different message. My mane is Linda Beckman and a year and a half ago I bought a Sears electric water heater. It is now leaking from the tank and when I called Sears to see about fixing or replacing it I was told it would coat me $49.00 just to have someone look at it. Then it would cost more for parts and labor. How can I be charged because I was sold a defective appliance? I feel that it is their product and they should be liable for any cost to fix or replace it. After all a water heater should last longer than 1 1/2 years, dont you think. I am very angry and will take this as far as I can go with it, and I will NEVER buy another thing at Sears.

              • #309294
                Avatar photoJim Daues

                  : The heat kicks off every day, but when it heats the water it is very hot. : I press the reset button to start it up again. This is a different message. My mane is Linda Beckman and a year and a half ago I bought a Sears electric water heater. It is now leaking from the tank and when I called Sears to see about fixing or replacing it I was told it would coat me $49.00 just to have someone look at it. Then it would cost more for parts and labor. How can I be charged because I was sold a defective appliance? I feel that it is their product and they should be liable for any cost to fix or replace it. After all a water heater should last longer than 1 1/2 years, dont you think. I am very angry and will take this as far as I can go with it, and I will NEVER buy another thing at Sears.

                • #309295
                  Avatar photoJim Daues

                    : The heat kicks off every day, but when it heats the water it is very hot. : I press the reset button to start it up again. This is a different message. My mane is Linda Beckman and a year and a half ago I bought a Sears electric water heater. It is now leaking from the tank and when I called Sears to see about fixing or replacing it I was told it would coat me $49.00 just to have someone look at it. Then it would cost more for parts and labor. How can I be charged because I was sold a defective appliance? I feel that it is their product and they should be liable for any cost to fix or replace it. After all a water heater should last longer than 1 1/2 years, dont you think. I am very angry and will take this as far as I can go with it, and I will NEVER buy another thing at Sears.

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