Foreign fixtures

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    • #273815
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I live in the U.S. but I would like to purchase plumbing fixtures for the sink, tub and shower in Taiwan and Japan. Will they fit?

      • #288593
        Avatar photobungie

          Are you sure they are legal ??

        • #288594
          Avatar photoGuest

            I’m not sure what you mean by “legal”. You can buy faucets in the stores in Taiwan and Japan just like you can in the U.S.. The same with lamps and vaccuum cleaners. I’m just wondering about the fittings and threadings.

          • #288595
            Avatar photobungie

              I can buy the same fittings in the stores of Taiwan, but if I install any of them that are not approved for the use in Australia they will remove my testicals via my nose. Because they are not “legal”

            • #288596
              Avatar photobungie

              • #288597
                Avatar photoGuest

                  Okay. I guess I need to rephrase my question. I’d like to buy fixtures like faucets and spiggots in Taiwan and Japan. Does any body know if I will be able to use them in my home in the U.S.? Will the fittings be the same? Are there any “codes” they must comply to?

                  Thank you.

                • #288598
                  Avatar photoJeff

                    Don’t know whether they would be compatible or not. There is a huge variety of fixtures for sale right here in the USA. You don’t have to limit yourself to the local lumberyard either. It looks like your already on the internet. Also, replacement parts, washers, cartridges are available for them.
                    You may be inviting trouble with foreign stuff.

                  • #288599
                    Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                      Half the crap the “American” companies make are made OVER SEA’S so you are too late in this request.

                      My “American” J. R. Smith roof drains have the cast Iron domes made in China the gravel stop Taiwan and the drain body made down south.

                      The fantastic thing about buying overs seas stuff is WHO is going to repair it? Who is responsible for product liability?

                      Who knows what specifications are used to prevent lead from leaching into the domestic water supply?

                      Yup it sure pays using foreign stuff with Who knows what quality controls are in effect and what ASSE,NSFSTM guide lines are being followed.

                      Go get em guy

                    • #288600
                      Avatar photoGuest

                        Dennis: The only advantage to purchasing foreign faucets overseas
                        is probably a price difference. However foreign faucets sold in America are made to fit American
                        Plumbing with National Pipe Thread
                        shanks for connection and centers
                        for the shanks confirming to inches
                        not metric. If the country is on the metric standard, those faucets will not fit US standard sinks, lavatories, tubs etc. Not to mention the availability of repair
                        parts (unless you are regularly overseas)?

                      • #288601
                        Avatar photoGuest

                          Mssr.Dennis: I am an engineering exchange student in your great Country working on my Masters.
                          I have some knowledge of Asian
                          made plumbing fixtures that I wish to share with you. Several years ago my Brother-in-Law asked me to send him an “Obuku” toilet when I went to Japan for some studies.
                          I selected their top of the line model called the “Samuri” and air freighted to his home in the United Arab Republic.
                          Scarely two weeks later I received some distressing news from my sister back home. It seems
                          Abdul (my Brother-in-law)was ensconced on his newly aquired
                          “Samuri” toilet when it spotaneously split in half. My finer sensibilities prevent me from being graphic in relating the severity of the injuries he sustained in this most unfortunate
                          Abdul had a promising career as
                          a “Used Camel Dealer” in down town Tripoli. Due to his loss of body parts in the “Samuri” toilet bowl
                          tragedy, he is now singing Alto in the “Vienna Boys Choir”, and my poor sister has been labled.. Wife of the Half assed Camel Trader.
                          Perhaps a second thought would be
                          wise before putting your body in grave peril..May the wisdom of Allah guide and direct your path.

                        • #288602
                          Avatar photoGuest

                            Oh my Dear Akmed. After reading your advice I find myself in a terrible dilema. I now suffer from a rare disease called snicker iditis. Every time I think of your reply, I involuntarily snicker. I think maybe a possiblity in this great country for contacting a lawyer for millions of dollars of entitlements for a citizen or illegal immigrant.
                            I wonder also if it may be a possibility that you may have contacts with the company from whence you purchased this amazing toilet. There are several people that fit your camel in training critera and I feel this country owes it to the people to install these toilets for them. Many of our leaders and citizens and non citizens that have entitlements would qualify for free installation of this miraculous bowl. It would serve our country well.
                            Considering that I am a Retired Navy man, I think if installation on shore is too difficult then we could make arrangement for a this model of scuddle to be installed in the ship that is under consideration for deporting.
                            Thank you so much, Akmed, my eyes will forever be crinkled from your post.

                          • #288603
                            Avatar photoJerry Peck

                              More important than where the parts or fixtures are made or where you buy them is the market the parts or fixtures are made for.

                              Parts or fixtures made for the US market will be sized for, and have fittings to match, those used in the US market.

                              Parts or fixtures made for the Japan market will be sized for and fit those used in Japan.

                              Very few items have one global standard size. If you want to use a Japan standard part or fitting in the US, the part or fitting will likely NOT fit the connecting parts or fittings used in the US.

                              Think of buying a Jaguar automobile. You can buy one in England with right hand drive for the British market or one with left hand drive for the US market. They will both fit the roads, and you will fit in either, however, you will find problems trying to drive a left hand drive US market car in right hand drive England, and vice versa. (Good thing they are not designed by Microsoft and Apple, they would only work on specially striped roads and would not be interchangeable.)

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