vaillant water heater

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    • #281224
      Avatar photoKim Stattmann

        My on demand water heater is not heating as well as it used to (installed 1990) I have considered that the ambient temp has been cooler than normal. But I wondered if there is an output temp controlling part that may be failing? calcified? or?

      • #304931
        Avatar photorwagner

          :Incrimental decreased thermal emanation studies have substantiated hypothetical discussion and controlled paralell experinentation on this subject. A bell curve projection has conclusively proven the concept of a latent negative thermodynamic profile as diminution of hydrocarbons are accelerated. Ultimately a state of equalibrium will be attained…TEX…

        • #304947
          Avatar photorwagner

            : My on demand water heater is not heating as well as it used to (installed 1990) I have considered that the ambient temp has been cooler than normal. But I wondered if there is an output temp controlling part that may be failing? calcified? or? if you read the owners manuel they reccomend and acid treatment for the removal of the limeing contact a boiler chemical company they will have the chemicals and equipt

          • #304948
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              John Thomas is a sweet lil boi

            • #304949
              Avatar photorwagner

                John Thomas is a sweet lil boi

              • #304950
                Avatar photorwagner

                  : My on demand water heater is not heating as well as it used to (installed 1990) I have considered that the ambient temp has been cooler than normal. But I wondered if there is an output temp controlling part that may be failing? calcified? or?It may be that the ambient temp is low, these units usually raise the temperature approx 50 C above ambient ……… at the base of the heater there is a nob that will alter the water flow through the unit ……. try altering this ie. less water more heat, more water less heat. Also it may be that you need a new diaphram in the water valve, this can reduce the height that the main gas valve opens to the main burners, you may not be getting enough gas so have it checked by a qualified service company……..manufacturer usually recommends a service at intervals not exceeding 12 months……. good luck.

                • #309429
                  Avatar photorwagner

                    Sir My combi heater seem to cut it self off occasionally at about 15.00 hrs then comes back on when the temp gauge gets to lower than zero could you tell me what is wrong with the unit?its not the clock because I bought a new one and its still the same.This problem does not happen daily just occasionally

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