hot water base board heating system

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 25 years ago by Avatar photoPhilip Reynolds.
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    • #283398
      Avatar photoBLACKFILES

        My house is heated with hot water base board heating system. Part of the house has the copper heating pipes imbedded in a cement slab and then runing to the upstairs bed rooms. When the water travels through the piping it makes a lot of noise. You can hear the water flowing: sounds like a babbling brook. I was told that this was because of traped air in the pipes. I have been bleeding the air from the vents in some of the rooms, but the problem does not go away. does anyone have a suggestion?

      • #304698
        Avatar photoPhilip Reynolds

          Have someone look into installing a microbuble air elimination system on the boiler. This device has the capacity of removing all air from a system. the brand we use is made by Spirotherm and is called Spirovent. They work. The description makes it sound expensive but it is merely a newer way to remove air than the old air scoops. Just make sure you dont have an old style non-bladder expansion tank on the system. This will remove the air from it too.

        • #309119
          Avatar photoPhilip Reynolds

            I seem to have a similar problem. I have an old boiler feeding old style radiators with a circulating pump and I added recently a separate zone (with its own zone valve)in the attic using base board heaters. I seem to get air in the line going to the attic to the point that after a few days there is an air lock which stops circulation (outgoing line is hot, return line is barely lukewarm). My temporary solution is to open the attic line drain valve which is in the basement until the air pockets are come out. This restores the circulation but you can still here water flow in the line *like a bubbling brook). A few days later, I have to do this all over again. My heating contractor suggested installing a bleeder valve right above the boiler in the line going to the attic (did he mean some kind of air scoop with automatic venting?). I have an old expansion tank – I doubt it has a bladder. Any suggestions ?? – Thanks

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