How do I remove bathtub drain?

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing How do I remove bathtub drain?

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    • #273692
      Avatar photoAnonymous

        I am trying to remove my bathtub but the drain is not screwing out. I believe it may be rusted cuz it’s pretty old. What would be a good way to get the drain out without going through the ceiling downstairs? Thanx
        [Edited by swdrasta on 16 October 2000]

      • #288320
        Avatar photobungie

          This is done at your own risk.

          Get a 4″ grinder, put a metal cutting blade on it. Cut from the centre of the waste to the outer edge VERY carefully, give yourself about 8 – 10 slits. Then use a screw driver to peel up the parts towards the centre like the petals of a flower.

          Understand that if you slip, you have a grinder running at high speed in your hands, it WILL damage the bath.As I said this is entirely at your own risk. In saying that I do it all the time

        • #288321
          Avatar photoswdrasta

            Thank you for replying, the drain has a thick metal bridge crossing the center off the opening that the drain cover screws on to. I dont mind damaging the tub cuz I am trying to replace it anyhow. Is this still moderatly safe for me to attempt, It looks like that bridge may present a problem. Thanx
            [Edited by swdrasta on 16 October 2000]

          • #288322
            Avatar photobungie

              All you need to be able to do is cut the outer rim so as when it folds up it will be able to fit through the hole in the tub

            • #288323
              Avatar photoswdrasta

                Thanx that worked out well!


                Originally posted by bungie:
                This is done at your own risk.

                Get a 4″ grinder, put a metal cutting blade on it. Cut from the centre of the waste to the outer edge VERY carefully, give yourself about 8 – 10 slits. Then use a screw driver to peel up the parts towards the centre like the petals of a flower.

                Understand that if you slip, you have a grinder running at high speed in your hands, it WILL damage the bath.As I said this is entirely at your own risk. In saying that I do it all the time

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