Step Cracks caused from leaky basements

Home Forums Archives Old Bulletin Board Archives Step Cracks caused from leaky basements

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    • #283913
      Avatar photoWilliam Stickel

        My home is 3.5 years old and we have found that our basement floods when it rains hard and if it only rains lightly, the basement is always musty and mildewy and mold grows everywhere. We now find that there are step cracks in the basement wall. Can anyone tell me how this should be fixed.

      • #303909
        Avatar photoPatricia

          Pat – Your problem can be solved, but it is to detailed to go into here. The nearest expert I know of near you is Bryan Plumbing and Waterproofing in Baltimore 410- 882-4333. Ask for Robin.

        • #303927
          Avatar photoPatricia

            We were told that we need an internal french drain, is this the only way that our problem can be solved, as the gameroom is a finished room and we were told the walls have to be removed and replaced. Does this sound correct???: My home is 3.5 years old and we have found that our basement floods when it rains hard and if it only rains lightly, the basement is always musty and mildewy and mold grows everywhere. We now find that there are step cracks in the basement wall. Can anyone tell me how this should be fixed.

          • #308922
            Avatar photoPatricia

              : My home is 3.5 years old and we have found that our basement floods when it rains hard and if it only rains lightly, the basement is always musty and mildewy and mold grows everywhere. We now find that there are step cracks in the basement wall. Can anyone tell me how this should be fixed.

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