hot water tanks

Home Forums Archives Old Bulletin Board Archives hot water tanks

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 25 years ago by Avatar photoChris Parker.
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    • #283941
      Avatar photoDave Womeldorff

        Just repalaced one of the elements in my hot water heater. Now I have to keep pushing the reset button to activate the cycle. What would cause this to happen? Is the reset switch itself faulty or do I have a bad thermostat? If so how do you determine which is the culprit? Thanks in advance for any help.

      • #303879
        Avatar photoChris Parker

          Definately replace BOTH thermostats and you should have replaced Both elements too. As cheap as these parts are I dont know why people keep doing half the job.: Just repalaced one of the elements in my hot water heater. Now I have to keep pushing the reset button to activate the cycle. What would cause this to happen? Is the reset switch itself faulty or do I have a bad thermostat? If so how do you determine which is the culprit? Thanks in advance for any help.

        • #309114
          Avatar photoChris Parker

            : Just repalaced one of the elements in my hot water heater. Now I have to keep pushing the reset button to activate the cycle. What would cause this to happen? Is the reset switch itself faulty or do I have a bad thermostat? If so how do you determine which is the culprit? Thanks in advance for any help.IS A HOT WATER TANK A HYDROLIC SYSTEM???? I NEED TO KNOW FOR SCHOOL

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