
Home Forums Archives Old Bulletin Board Archives Washer/dryer

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    • #281757
      Avatar photoMari Stebbing

        Many years ago, when my husband and I first married we purchased a kenmore washer and dryer. The washer was on rollers and was portable. It connected up to the kitchen sink, ran on 110, and drained out the kitchen sink. The dryer was also 110V. We went to purchase one for our newly-wed daughter and found that Sears no longer makes them. Does any company make them and if not I am in the market for a used one.

      • #303753
        Avatar photodeborah cleek

          As far as I know , Kitchen-Aid still makes them.

        • #309209
          Avatar photodeborah cleek

            : Many years ago, when my husband and I first married we purchased a kenmore washer and dryer. The washer was on rollers and was portable. It connected up to the kitchen sink, ran on 110, and drained out the kitchen sink. The dryer was also 110V. We went to purchase one for our newly-wed daughter and found that Sears no longer makes them. Does any company make them and if not I am in the market for a used one.There is a portable washerdryer combination available that needs no ventoing and uses 110v current, called Quietline. For information call 1-800-884-8635

          • #309395
            Avatar photodeborah cleek

              : Many years ago, when my husband and I first married we purchased a kenmore washer and dryer. The washer was on rollers and was portable. It connected up to the kitchen sink, ran on 110, and drained out the kitchen sink. The dryer was also 110V. We went to purchase one for our newly-wed daughter and found that Sears no longer makes them. Does any company make them and if not I am in the market for a used one.Try comapctappliances.com, their model is much cheaper than the quietline. Also, I would love to find a used one as well. [email protected]

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