draining a radiator

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    • #273453
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I’m trying to drain a hot water radiator in my house. I’ve turned off the water supply (on the lower right side of the radiator) and bled several 5 gallon buckets full of water already (from the upper left side). The radiator still feels full, though. What am I doing wrong?

      • #287729
        Avatar photoHarold Kestenholz

          If it is a hot water radiator, then there is a water inlet and a water outlet. They both have to be turned off because water will come from either side. Turn the water feed to the boiler off so new water does not enter the system. You did not say whether there are other radiators or pipes higher than that radiator. If there is no other valve to shut off both supply and return to the radiator, then all the pipes and radiators above the radiator in the whole system will have to be drained to the level of THAT radiator.

        • #287730
          Avatar photoGuest

            Harold, thanks MUCH, it worked perfectly. This radiator is on the second floor so we didn’t have to drain others.We did have to shut off the whole pipeline from the furnace though. Now to get it cleaned and back in before the cold weather comes!

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