Low water pressure in condo

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    • #273416
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have lived in the same second-floor (6 unit) condo for more than ten years. Lately, my water pressure seems to have dropped. It takes almost an entire hour to fill my bath-tub, the kitchen faucet is slow… everything. I had a new water heater put in about 5 months ago. Could this have anything to do with it? What would be some of the reasons for this problem? What do you recommend I do? (I’m VERY unmechanical!)
        thanks so much
        Loren A.

      • #287616
        Avatar photowpc

          Try putting a pressure gauge on your washing machine shut off. Now with all water turned off to your fixtures read the pressure,this would be called the static pressure. Now go open a faucet and read your pressure, this is called your flow pressure. If your static pressure is good, I would check a neighbors apartment on same floor to compare with, and your flow pressure drops then I would check the main valve for blockage,( I would check the main valve first to make sure that it is fully open. If when you open faucets for the flow test the pressure gauge does not fall, then check your aerators

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