electric water heater

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    • #285191
      Avatar phototony patrick brown

        Help cold water,replaced lower element then the top thermostat keeps needing reset. does the upper element need replaced? or is the thermostat going bad. I get a tank of hot water before the reset button pops out.

      • #303363
        Avatar photoDennis Heckman

          Dennis: Change the lower thermostat, and everything should be OK….Bud..

        • #303369
          Avatar photoDennis Heckman

            When the lower element burned out, it could have damaged either or thermostats. Check them bothto see if they will turn the elements on and off.: Help cold water,replaced lower element then the top : thermostat keeps needing reset. does the upper element : need replaced? or is the thermostat going bad. I get : a tank of hot water before the reset button pops out.

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