: Could you please tell me what I can do about a leaking hot water tank? I dont know if its from a crack or a leaky valve. : My basement floor isnt completely flooded but,, it is very wet : in places so I suspect a leak rather than a crack.Any help would be greatly appreciated.: DianaHi, Diana!If your heater is more than a few years beyond the tank warranty, you almost certainly need a new tank (heater). May I suggest how to save the same problem from happening again? First, the reason the tank starts to leak is that it rusts thru the tank wall. The reason it rusts thru the tank wall is that the anode has become used up. So….all you must do is replace the anode at the end of the initial warranty period. TRhis will double the life of the tank for minimal cost (and eliminate headaches). Also, when you install a new heater, you may want to start off with double the normal five-year warranty. If so, merely install a second anode in the tank (where the hot water exits the tank). Again, for very minimal additional cost, you have doubled the life of the tank.GOOD LUCK!!!!