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Avatar photoNate Welch

    : After installing a sprinkling system, I noticed water hammer problems. Upon investigating, the water hammer occurred only on certain circuits of my sprinkling system. With further research I learned that water hammer typically occurs when a valve shuts off too quickly. I am confused however, because the water hammer occurs at the start up of my valves suggesting that perhaps the hammer is caused by a valve opening too quickly. I dont know?: FYI: I have Weather Matic 12000 series valves.: Any help would be greatly appreciated — nw Hydraulic shock waves ( water hammer) can burst your water piping. This action is caused by quick closing solenoid valves. Washing machines, dish washers and Sprinkler shut offs.. Try to get the sprinkler installed BACK to install a slow closing valve. If he/she refuses you may have to instal a shock asorber ( air chamber) god luck. Dont wait to long as a water hammer condition can cause serious piping damage. Respectifully Sylvan

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