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Avatar photoDave Richards

    : My son and wife have gotten shocked while : touching either a shower (probably hot spigut) faucet and the outside spigut. It : hasnt happened to me or our daughters, but : just to my wife and son. It is extremely : intermittent, but nevertheless, shocking. : Well guy says its electrician, Electrician : says its the well. Where do I go from here? : ANy help would be greatly appreciated. : ThanksWhat you need is a electrican that knows how to troubleshoot. Since this is a shocking problem, it would best be traced by a electrican. If he finds it is the pump at fault, then either it needs replacement or to be wired correctly. Is there plastic pipe or iron pipe between the house and pump? The most common things Ive found causing shock: 1- bad elect hot water heater element 2- bad selonide valve on icemaker 3- bad selonide valve on dishwasher 4- telephone service grounded to house pipes if you have a volt meter or a friend who knows how to use one, then connect one lead to the outside faucet in question and the other to a long screwdriver or metal rod that has been pushed way down into earth(wet the area). If you have a reading, then cut off the elect. breakers one at a time until it goes away. this will help you isolate the problem

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