Reply To: Dielectric unions

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Avatar photoMichael Hodowanec

    Brass is between copper and steel on the nobility scale, so it separates the two and acts as a buffer to reduce electrolysis. A dielectric union is more cosmetic than functional. The water is the medium that enables electrolysis to function, and so it bridges the dielectric union. Just as a water heater without an anode rode will rust out quicker than one with a functioning anode. But a heater with no water in it will last forever. In this situation, it is the water that allows the anode to coat and protect exposed surfaces on the interior of the tank.: I see dielectric unions separating steel pipe from copper tubing. I dont see any dielectric unions separating steel pipe from copper when there is a brass valve in between. One is a plumbing system system and the other is a heating system. Is there a reasonable explanation for this?

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