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    : Is a hot water recirculating pump an enery/water efficient purchase or a luxury purchase? Were heard that it pays for itself in 3 years. How can that be when youre paying for a pump to be running and when theres heat loss from pipes through which hot water is constantly being recirculated?Wow great Question. But to make it more interesting let you be the one to answer it. Let me just give you some facts ok. 1-When you turn on the hot water faucet (tap) you normally let the water run and run and run until it gets hot correct so far? Y or N 2- This wasted down the drain water was heated and now when the water is shut off the hot water remaining in the pipes will again cool off Y or N ? 3- If your paying for water Via a water meter your not only wasting fuel BUT precious potable water correct Y or N ? 4- If you had a recirulation pump you would not put undo stress on your H/W heater due to thermo shock of cold water entering this tank as the cold water would be TEMPERED with the hot return water correct Y or N ? 5- The actual circulator would be of minimal horse power like 1/12 or 1/16 just enough to keep the water moving Y or N ? 6- With this added on ENERGY saving device would you not also be getting an added benefit of almost instant H/W with little loss of water. Y or N ? 7- All water heaters have stand by losses and if you stayed by your heater you would hear it come on and off several times during the day. Y or N ? Now lets consider all the above if you had a constant circulation with insulated pipes your actually saving your heater from trying to heat cold water from entering the system you would have much less condensation less thermo stress on the tank, MUCH, MUCH less waste of clean fresh water. Not paying for water to sit in a pipe cool only to be run down a drain waiting for it to get hot again to start this wasteful cycle again. As more and more localities meter the water and prices start to sky rocket as clean fresh water is harder to find and as more water is wasted and larger pipes are needed to convey water to your home and other people who waste water and your Gas/Electric bills climb higher to make up for people literly throwing HOT paid for water down the drain. Then you can tell me if it is cheaper to install a CHEAP efficient bronze circulator or not? I would never be the one to give a snap judgement saying yes they dont pay for themselfs as we have to make our own minds up. You decide if this is just a convience or the right energy water saving thing to do. Respectifully Sylvan LMP

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