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Avatar photoRoy Dixon

    : : : TOILET SMELLS LIKE A SEWER, I HAVE TRIED USING DIFFERENT DEODORIZERS BUT THE SMELL JUST WANT GO AWAY. NONE : : OF THE OTHER TOILETS SMELL, JUST THIS ONE. I THOUGHT MAYBE THE AIR DUCT FOR THE MAN SEWER LINE MAYBE STOPPED UP, BUT THE REST : : OF THE OTHR TOILETS IN THE HOUSE DO NOT SMELL.: : COULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHY THIS IS HAPPENING.: : I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE AT RESPONSE.: : THANKS: : SMELLY TOILET : Roy,: It sounds like the wax seal on the base of the toilet may not be adequite. : I use two wax rings 95% of the time.: The seal needs to be gas tight, to prevent the sewer gas from leaking into the room.: Also try: : Toiletology 101 :

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