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    Here is what I ended up doing…

    I used a reciprocating saw, an angle grinder, and a sledge hammer to remove the cracked section. This revealed the nipples that hold each section to the next. They are standard nipples about 1 inch long, right-hand threaded on one end and left-hand threaded on the other. The lower nipples are 2″ NPT and the uppers are 1-1/2″ NPT.

    I had to make special long spud key tools for each from scratch.

    Reassembly was a simple matter of making new gaskets and cleaning up all the threads. With both halves on the floor, start the nipple in each hole and then carefully line up the adjoining section. Insert the long spud key into the radiator and engage the nipples. Turning one direction pulls the two half together since the nipples have opposite threads on opposite ends.

    See this instruction sheet for more info…

    Those are new radiators from the UK but the design and assembly is exactly the same as these 100 year old American Radiator Company units.

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