Reply To: Shower Drain Leaking

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Avatar photosmcelhe

    I think the drain is a bad setup……….The drain pipe has the female end…..the gasget goes between the pipe and the bottom of the shower. The male threads into the female squeezing the pipe to the bottom of the shower. There is no seal between the male piece and the top of the shower. Water can get between the two.

    I did notice that there were sections of threads missing on the male piece. I assumed that was to let any water that gets between the male piece and shower to run down into the drain. That probably works well until the threads get clogged and the water can’t find one of the groves cut in the threads…..then it pushes out between the rubber gasget and the bottom of the shower.

    Guess it wouldn’t push out if the bottom of my shower was smooth and the gasget could seal it.

    It sure would be nice if the drain was molded into the bottom of the shower…..just glue the pipe to it….no fittings to deal with.

    Not happy having to tear out my ceiling.

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