Reply To: 1/2″ meter water supply – can I go to 3/4″ trunk line?

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing 1/2″ meter water supply – can I go to 3/4″ trunk line? Reply To: 1/2″ meter water supply – can I go to 3/4″ trunk line?

Avatar photonicktheplumber

    Red, you ask a very good question. A suggested, the best solution is to have replace the line from the meter with a larger diameter one (3/4″). You didn’t say what size line the water company has running INTO your meter/curbstop. On some old houses, that inlet may be 5/8″ or 1/2″. If so, you can ask the company to upgrade your water service (at a small cost…they will then bill you at a different and higher rate).

    Even if you are stuck with a 1/2-5/8″ municipal supply line, there is definite benefit in going to a 3/4″ line to supply your house. As was pointed out, the VOLUME of H2O (and hence the FLOW, which is defined as volume/minute) in your supply lines will be greater. The main limitation in such a setup will be PRESSURE. You will see a pressure drop when you move to a larger line from a smaller one. Here is where you need to be aware of the hydrodynamic calculations and trade offs.

    IF your service pressure is adequate, you can get away with larger lines to your fixtures, and any drops in pressure will be compensated by better flows.

    Not to mention the benefit of replacing old and calcified galvanized pipe with smooth bore copper lines…


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