Reply To: Rinnai Infinity Problems….

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Avatar photoSelgas


    Thank you for your valued input it is appreciated however, in this persons case the fluctuation in water temps is most always due to the high and low flame settings not being correctly set ( yes I know there are other likely causes but I like you have only been a service agent for around 20 years and have repaired and resolved many hundreds of these problems). I have found that providing there is sufficient gas pressure to the unit and, the high and low settings are correctly adjusted and, there is at least 4 litres of pure hot water flowing the problem does not usually arrise.

    However, in saying this there will always be the one in a thousand that gives unusual symptoms and problems that can really only be resolved by a service agent being on the job at the location and testing everything to eliminate things such as you have pointed out.

    I might add that the problem of fluctuating temps has mostly been found on the unflued versions rather than the connected flued ones for some strange reason.

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