A.O.Smith hot water heaters

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 25 years ago by Avatar photoJoe.
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    • #285192
      Avatar photoJeff Bexson

        are A.O.Smith hot water heaters highly rated? Is it a good product and does the company stand behind the product?

      • #303359
        Avatar photoJoe

          : are A.O.Smith hot water heaters highly rated? Is it a good product and does the company stand behind the product?If I had to buy a new water heater, I would buy a Rheem or Ruud with five-year warranty. Then I would get a secondary anode and install it (in the hot water outlet). This would give me a minimum tank life of 10 years (15 – 18 average). AND at the end of the 10 years, I would replace the primary anode (15 – 20 minute task) and get (at least) another five years of tank life. And never have to worry about tank failure while I am out of town. GOOD LUCK!!

        • #309044
          Avatar photoJoe

            I have two Rheem water heaters (40 & 65 Gal.). The contractor installed these STANDARD units with a five year warranty. My question: What would the normal life expectance be for these units. I dont want to experience a rupture. Need some educated advice if you dont mind. Thank you, RichardPS: Anode rod has never been replaced (should have, but did not realize this was recommended).

          • #309242
            Avatar photoJoe

              Mine lasted almost exactly 5 years. It blew two weeks ago. If it is electric and you do not replace the sacrifice rod, they will blow out the plug on the front of the water tank. Hopefully you will be home when it blows. This is not piculiar to Smith but with all electric heaters. My GE replacement heater is gaurenteed for 10 years, but it has two rods. The plumber states it is the same as the first heater, but has two rods to make it last twice as long. Replace the rod every 4 1/2 years and save yourself some problems.

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