: I have bathtub with shower. Due to leaking faucetts I replaced the rubber washer and the valve seat on the hot and the cold side. The faucettet handle were difficult to get off due to accumulation of soap or milldew or whatever but by working at it they did come off ok. I tried to remove the handle for the shower control in the same manner but was unable to do so. I was assuming that it was attached in the same manner as the faucette handles but became unsure of myself when it did not come off and thought I should check with knowledgeable people before applying additional force. The fixture is a Price-Pfiser and was installed in 1977. : Should the shower control handle come off in the same manner? Is there someway I can force it to come off without breaking anything? : Thank you for considering my request, : Leon Max Powell Terry, Thanks, I was able to get it off and extract the stem. Thanks again, Leon Max Powell