I would like to locate claw foot tub in Winston-Salem, NC area or where I can buy a replica other than Renovators catalogue. I need something reasonably priced. Thanks for any assistance.
: I would like to locate claw foot tub in Winston-Salem, NC area or where I can buy a replica other than Renovators catalogue. I need something reasonably priced. Thanks for any assistance.as you ride around the country side look at farm fields many people use them as watering troughs. you may work out a deal. the legs may be gone but most legs were interchangeable. seems to me I remember lots of small antique shops along the back roads of NC. good luck
: i live in north georgia and have a 5 foot claw foot tub that has already been reglazed white. i want to sell it for $1000. it is not a replica. you would need to purchase the fixtures for it. i am willing to meet you half way to deliver. let me know. thanks toni
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