Iron smelling and tasting well water

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    • #281887
      Avatar photosteve

        All of a sudden my well water has taken on an iron taste and smell. Ive heard other people who have dumped a couple of gallons of bleach down the well and then flushed the system real well. Will this work ?

      • #303543
        Avatar photomaxwell

          Its worth a try. At the very least you know that you have disinfected the well and piping. Good luck.

        • #309013
          Avatar photomaxwell

            my well water has started smelling like iron would this be because it hasent been used in about a month

          • #309081
            Avatar photomaxwell

              My parents have a cottage in Northern Wisconsin and there is iron in the water. Right now they have a filter hooked up to pump house and they want a filter system for the kitchen faucet so they will be able to cook and drink the water. Im looking for a faucet filter systems that will take out iron out of the water. Any suggestions?

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