Water hammer

Home Forums Archives Old Bulletin Board Archives Water hammer

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 25 years ago by Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez.
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    • #280944
      Avatar photoCortez

        I want to receive basic information about water hammer, like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, in which sistems is it common, etc.

      • #304200
        Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

          : I want to receive basic information about water hammer, : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, in which : sistems is it common, etc.Water HammerA term used to describe a shock wave or series of waves caused by the resistance of inertia to an abrupt change (acceleration or deceleration) of water flow through a water piping system. Water hammer may produce an instantaneous pressure many times greater than the normal pressure. For this reason, many building codes now require the installation of a pressure limiting valve installed at the meter or a water hammer arrestor, a device designed to absorb these shock waves and to prevent damage to appliances such as washing machines.

        • #306095
          Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

            : I want to receive basic information about water hammer, : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, in which : sistems is it common, etc.

          • #306327
            Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

              : I want to receive basic information about water hammer, : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, in which : sistems is it common, etc. : How to calculate water hammer

            • #308547
              Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                : I want to receive all information about water hammer, : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, formulas, deductions, etc.

              • #308557
                Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                  : : I want to receive all information about water hammer, : : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, formulas, deductions, etc.

                • #308558
                  Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                    : : : I want to receive all information about water hammer, : : : Especially about water hammering analysis in turbines and electro power machines that is the subject of my research in thesis of master science of civil engineering ,hidraulic structures. Regards ; thankyou very much Saeed Abbasi .

                  • #308559
                    Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                      : : : : I want to receive all information about water hammer, : : : : Especially about water hammering analysis in turbines and electro power machines that is the subject of my research in thesis of master science of civil engineering ,hydraulic structures. : Regards ; : Thankyou very much : Saeed Abbasi .

                    • #308568
                      Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                        : : I want to receive all information about water hammer, : : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, formulas, deductions, etc.

                      • #309011
                        Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                          : : I want to receive all information about water hammer, : : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, formulas, deductions, etc.

                        • #309040
                          Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                            : I want to receive basic information about water hammer, : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, in which : sistems is it common, etc.

                          • #309452
                            Avatar photoMarvin Gomez Jimenez

                              : : I want to receive basic information about water hammer, : : like, what�s water hammer, how to prevent it, in which : : sistems is it common, etc.

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