Odor problem, what next?

Home Forums Public Forums Drainage & Sewerage Odor problem, what next?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Avatar photoJohn Aldrich1.
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    • #278845
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We just installed a totally new septic system this summer. In November, we began to get sulfurous sewage gases in the house intermittantly. We had a plumber come out, all the traps are OK, he added 3 feet to our vent pipe, now well over the peak of the roof. That was no help. We tried plugging that vent pipe, and leaving the clean out (about 8″ off the ground) open, that hasn’t helped. Last night we replaced the wax ring uder the toilet, that didn’t help. We are at our stinky wit’s end. What else can we try?

      • #299421
        Avatar photoJohn Aldrich1

          Lisa H., call the plumber back, and have him perform the necessary tests to determine if in fact the odors that you are smelling are in fact coming from your new septic system. The odors may be caused by a natural gas leak, or from some other source.

          The first test to be performed is a peppermint oil test. If the result of this test verify that in fact it is sewer gas, then look for a vent system leak. If the leak cannot be located, then have the plumber perform a smoke test so that you can visually locate the vent system leak. JWA

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