sounds like water leak but no water

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago by Avatar photoDUNBAR.
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    • #276952
      Avatar photoGARY CARPENTER

        recently the pipes (completely enclosed in wall with no access panel) between my toilet and shower sound like water is running. However, there is not a drop of water visible (for days now) and there is no increase in water usage reading from the water meter. There is no noise in any other faucet in the house. It does seem to be loudest at the shower faucet. The noise only decreases a bit when other faucets ( or toilet flushes) are turned on. It is still there when other water runs. Any ideas on what caused this and how to fix ?

      • #295091
        Avatar photoDUNBAR

          Shut main valve off at house and see if this stops the sound. Then check to see if by chance if it is coming from outside.

          If the meter is set inside of house, and you still hear the sound through the line inside the house, at the meter at the wall it comes through, it could very well be a broken water line outside. I am almost positive that it would be your responsibility even though the water isn’t metered until it enters through the foundation wall.

          If this isn’t the situation, it could be a dishwasher or washing machine fast actuating valve that is going bad.

        • #295092
          Avatar photonicktheplumber

            Fortunately, no homeowner is responsible (at least for the cost of the water) for a water leak upstream of his water meter. The only way the water company can bill you is by reading the water meter… There may be some jurisdictions where the water company runs unmetered mains for a considerable distance onto private property, but they don’t do so here in the SF Bay Area. Usually the meters are right at the curb.

            In my experience, the sounds you describe come from a leaky toilet float valve or one that is improperly set and allows the tank to drain into the overflow. I’m baffled that you have not seen ANY movement in the water meter, as you should if this is the case. Still, it takes only the slightest flow to create the sounds you describe. Check your toilets.


          • #295093
            Avatar photoDUNBAR

              I should of better specified that statement.

              There is only one area where I live where the meters are in the inside of home and the city makes the customer responsible for the water service to the curb key at street.

              Somehow they monitor the averages of water usage in the areas and can tell when there is a percentage of loss higher than normal. If they find out you have a broken line, they either shut your water off permanently or start charging a ridiculous amount to make you fix the problem.

              I only know of one area that does this and it is an old neighborhood in a somewhat urban area.

              The surrounding areas are the normal installation of meter at curb.

              And……the area I speak of has houses sitting nearly 15 feet off the city curb.

              » This message has been edited by DUNBAR on 07 September 2003

            • #295094
              Avatar photonicktheplumber

                You’re right about the curb key…and I think that even here there are some places in the suburbs where a long line is run between the key and the meter, but in most hookups the key is just before the meter.


              • #295095
                Avatar photofreckles111

                  Yes, the running water sound disappears when the main water valve is shut off. Our meter is approx. 900 feet from the house, so if there is a leak outside, we will be charged for it. However, we are not showing extra usage at the meter.
                  Can you be more specific about leaky toilet flow valve? If it was that would water be moving in toilet or in the tank of the toilet?

                • #295096
                  Avatar photonicktheplumber

                    You will need to go to each toilet in your house and listen (and look) to see if they are running when they shouldn’t be. To follow your strategy on the main shut off, you could go around and shut off the supplies to each toilet to see if the sound dissappears. If a toilet is the culprit, that may help you to localize it.


                  • #295097
                    Avatar photoDUNBAR

                      Drop dye tablets in each tank after tank fills up with water. If the water in the bowl changes to the color of dye, you found your leak.

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