washing machine connection…

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    • #275271
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I don’t know if this is the right place to ask or not but here goes…

        We are attempting to remove our older washing machine in preparation for the delivery of the new one. The cold water hose disconnected just fine. The hot water hose has rusted unnoticed. It won’t disconnect…any suggestions on how to loosen it. Can’t afford a plumber unless we have to. Thanks. JL.

      • #291591
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Gently cut the tthreaded connection attached to the hose bibb valve LENTH wise as not to cut into the valve threasds THEN peel the old rusted part/threads away with needle nose plyers CAREFUL it is SHARP


        • #291592
          Avatar photoGuest

            In reply to message posted by JL:
            I don’t know if this is the right place to ask or not but here goes…

            We are attempting to remove our older washing machine in preparation for the delivery of the new one. The cold water hose disconnected just fine. The hot water hose has rusted unnoticed. It won’t disconnect…any suggestions on how to loosen it. Can’t afford a plumber unless we have to. Thanks. JL.

            just heat the brass hose fitting and turn with pipe wrench. [email protected]

          • #291593
            Avatar photobungie

              If you paid for delivery and install, then its their problem, not yours


              All advice is given with-out seeing the job, and hence all advice MUST be taken as advice with limited knowledge on the exact situation. NO responsibility can or
              will be taken. And yes, I am a licensed plumber with my own business in Brisbane Australia

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