One pipe is HOT, base board heat

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    • #275186
      Avatar photojason

        One pipe is HOT in my house. I have base board heat, it is summer and the thermostat is off!? Is this normal and what should be done? I don’t know if this matters but the pipe that is hot is directly above the hot water heater/furnace room. Any info is greatly appreciated

      • #291330
        Avatar photoGuest

          The answer depends upon what is making the pipe hot – whether the hot pipe is from a water heater or the boiler. Is there a separate water heater, or does the boiler make your hot water? Is the hot pipe your hot water line to the faucets?

          If you have a separate water heater, and the boiler is making the line hot, the boiler should not be maintaining temperature, so someone needs to look at the control system. If the boiler makes hot water, and the hot line is not the one going to your faucets, someone needs to consider rearranging the near-boiler piping.

        • #291331
          Avatar photoSylvanLMP

            Harold, good points BUT I think you should have also mentioned a “flow control valve”
            Many so called heating guys have no clue to a near boiler piping installation or bother to even read about stratification of hot water molecules.

            How many so called plumbers don’t even know how to put in a 27″ loop on domestic hot water installations or bother to install a low water cut off on a domestic hydronic boiler as it cost way to much to concern themselves on a safe installation.

            If this boiler is being used for domestic hot water also then not only should there be a flow control valve ( I know about zone valves forget about them ) on the heating system piping but a Holby mixing valve also to temper the domestic water supply.

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