Relief Value

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    • #275093
      Avatar photoamanda davis

        I have a Select State 50 gallon water heater that is jsut over 1 year old. I am in the process of repacing the bottom element. My simple problem is that the relief value won’t remain open. In order to drain the heater I need to have the value open. My question is simple: How do you have the relief value remain open? I have tried a number of things without success. All suggestions are helpful.

      • #291072
        Avatar photoMonty Betts

          If you have the cold water inlet valve to the water heater closed, simply open a hot water faucet. You will accomplish the same thing as opening the relief valve to admit air into the water heater.

        • #291073
          Avatar photoGuest

            The real question is why replace an element in a unit just over a year old ?
            crack the seal on the top pipe going into the hot water system

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