polyethylene water pipes

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    • #275061
      Avatar photoMatt Morgan

        My problem is! I have file a complaint with consumer plumbing recovery center, but they inform me that my problems began after the systme was to old to qualify. Which is not true. I have had problems since I purchase the manufactory home in 2/1999. I was not aware of any type of law suits regrarding this type of pipes, until I was talking with a friend who informed me that they had there plumbing replaced, which her home was a 1983 model and did not have replaced util 1998. I pruchae the until from a mobil home dealer, I suppose who was unaware of this problem for they did not inform me of any. Which the until was sold as a 1989, but now looking at the label the company put on the unit states it was buitl 5/18/1988, but I guess they title different! I have had problem, and every plumbers states this is condem pipes. WELL now the
        pipes busted the other day at the hot water heater, and seems the main line thru the unit is busted, I had to turn water off, as I now have a home with no way to supply water because of the bad pipes, an
        the recovery has fail to help me in any way what steps do i take, I just found the name of the previous owner who sold the unit to the dealship, maybe she filed a complaint. What legal steps can i do now. HELP

      • #291011
        Avatar photoGuest

          This is a question asked twice weekly or more so answers will be found when searching for the key word ‘polybutylene.”

          You have 10 or 13 years to make a claim depending on the type of building. Call 800-356-3496. They will ask if you have had three leaks in the preceeding years.

        • #291012
          Avatar photofourth year

            Mobile homes were only covered for ten years from the date of manufacture. The eleventh year was available to make claims for leaks during the original ten years. Your unit is almost three years past its deadline, so the class action no longer applies to you. Your situation is the very reason I tell anyone who has the PB piping to tell their neighbors as soon as they discover that they have the piping. If that had been done, the original owners would have had it replaced.

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