Dishwasher Water Problem

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    • #274830
      Avatar photoAdam Nelson

        The water level in the dishwasher tub is too high and the dishwasher is not able to clean properly. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem before I contact a repairman? I thought I checked everything but could not find anything wrong with it.

      • #290569
        Avatar photofourth year

          The little float thing in one of the front corners determines the water level. If it is not floating correctly, then it could add too much water to the tub. Some have a little screw on the end of the stem to adjust the water level. If yours does, unscrew it a little to lower the water levell.

        • #290570
          Avatar photohandylady

            I checked the floating thing and it does not have a screw. I have pushed it all the way down to the lowest level but the water level would not change at all.

          • #290571
            Avatar photoDP

              Is it fresh water? Is it possible that the water is beckfeeding from the washer drain?

              It is possible that the switch connected to the aforementioned arm could be failing

            • #290572
              Avatar photohandylady

                No, the water is not fresh. It seems kind of dirty with a lot of soap.

              • #290573
                Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

                  Landlady, is the dishwasher built in? if so,Has anybody moved the dishwasher? if so, check that the outlet hose is not kinked behind the dishwasher before it goes into the cupboard.

                • #290574
                  Avatar photohandylady

                    I have never moved the dishwasher. It has operated properly for over two years but it stopped working a few weeks ago. Are you suggesting me to move the dishwasher and check the outlet hose?

                    I am able to power up the dishwasher but it just does not seem to function properly.

                    Is it possible that there may be food or dirt clogged underneath the dishwasher tub? It may block the water from draining.

                  • #290575
                    Avatar photoDP

                      I have in the past come across dishwasher plumbing where the drain pipe is connected to the sink/ basin drain. If the drain backs up/ gets choked, dirty sink water will run into the washer unless the the drain pipe is routed as per the manufacturer’s handbook.

                      Check sink drain if the washer is connected to it. You could uncouple the dishwasher drain pipe and run the dishwasher (with drain in the sink to permit drainage). Ensure the disconnection is made good or the water may run out of the disconnection.

                      If the machine works OK and the level is OK, and no more soapy water then suspect the drain.

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