Flow of water in pipe.

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    • #274714
      Avatar photoBriang

        Hi my name is darren i am a owner of a plumbing company called d.m.s plumbing in south africa. i would like to know if there is a device which enables plumbers to determine the flow of water in a pipe, if the source of it is unknown.

      • #290266
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Simple you have two possibilities

          1- Get the size of the pipe and the pressure and from these you can find the GPM flow and the Velocity in FPS

          2- Hook up a water meter and let the water run full blast for one minute and then read the gallon or cubic foot reading

          The 1st way is the easiest. If you send my the pipe size IN INCHES and average pressure ILL give you your gpm flow rate and velocity just send me an E mail no problem

        • #290267
          Avatar photoSylvanLMP

            Simple you have two possibilities

            1- Get the size of the pipe and the pressure and from these you can find the GPM flow and the Velocity in FPS

            2- Hook up a water meter and let the water run full blast for one minute and then read the gallon or cubic foot reading

            The 1st way is the easiest. If you send my the pipe size IN INCHES and average pressure ILL give you your gpm flow rate and velocity just send me an E mail no problem

          • #290268
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              Simple you have two possibilities

              1- Get the size of the pipe and the pressure and from these you can find the GPM flow and the Velocity in FPS

              2- Hook up a water meter and let the water run full blast for one minute and then read the gallon or cubic foot reading

              The 1st way is the easiest. If you send my the pipe size IN INCHES and average pressure ILL give you your gpm flow rate and velocity just send me an E mail no problem

            • #290269
              Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                Simple you have two possibilities

                1- Get the size of the pipe and the pressure and from these you can find the GPM flow and the Velocity in FPS

                2- Hook up a water meter and let the water run full blast for one minute and then read the gallon or cubic foot reading

                The 1st way is the easiest. If you send my the pipe size IN INCHES and average pressure ILL give you your gpm flow rate and velocity just send me an E mail no problem

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