Reliance Hot Water Heater Problem

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    • #274466
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have a Reliance hot water heater in my home. Model number STA KLEEN 805. I am not sure how long I owned it. Maybe you can tell by the model number.

        The problem I am having is that we seem to have to keep moving the thermostat up to obtain more hot water. In other words it’s almost on very hot range. We always have had enough hot water on warm before and we are using the same amount of water as before. There are only two of us here at home. Do you have any suggestions???


      • #289800
        Avatar photoGuest

          Joe the water heater is probly full calcium and magnesium deposits and it is lowering the capacity of your water heater. The best thing you can do is replace it. When you have hardness in your water the minerals start to precipate out when there is a 20 degree rise in water temperature. These minerals settle out in the bottom of the water heater eventually filling it up effecting the operation of the unit. Do yourself a favor and purchase a water softner to take out the minerals. A water softner will save you a lot of headaces and money.

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