toilets run sporadically

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    • #273751
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        My house is 4 years old. There are three toilets – two on the third floor, and one on the second. The water heater and associated plumbing is on the ground floor. All 3 toilets have the same problem – every once in a while (many times a day) one will run for just a second. Water is spilling from the tank into the overfill tube.

        A friend said I should get an expansion tank, that the water pressure coming into the house is the problem and that an expansion tank would fix it. Does this sound right? Thanks!

      • #288475
        Avatar photoGuest

          Actually, I remembered wrong – water is NOT spilling into the overfill tube – the water level is about an inch or so below the top of the tube.

          But I do see water dribbling into the back of the toilet bowl, and if the water gets low enough and the float falls enough, the refilling of the tank is triggered. Do I have a bad seal somewhere, and would this be solved by my friend’s suggestion of an expansion tank?


        • #288476
          Avatar photobungie

            Sounds like you have a faulty rubber washer at the bottom of the flush valve, get the make and model, the local plumbers supply or hardware will have the rubbers to use. Expansion tank ….. No

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