stinky hot water

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing stinky hot water

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Avatar photoGuest.
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    • #273483
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Hi, i would be greatful for a answer to this question? I have a 4 family home all units have there own 6 month old 40 gal gas hot water heaters, all water heaters are supplied by the same water (city). I have very stinky water in only one unit, the water smells like rotten eggs. I flushed the tank and the smell lessens for a few weeks then returns.

      • #287807
        Avatar photoGuest

          Hi Walter,
          It is possible that your supplier has given you a system with the wrong anode supplied for your water type. This is quite common and find out is this is so, simply remove the anode for a spell and see if the smell goes away them contact your supplier for a replacement.

          Ian Gundrill

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