Journyman license

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    • #273359
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We have a plumber working for us for 15 years on a Air force base where the state does not oversee this dept. He now needs to get his journyman license or lose his job. Does anybody have an idea on where he could take his test to take care of this matter

      • #287443
        Avatar photohj

          Normally, the jurisdiction requiring the license is also the one that issues it, unless this is a Journeymen Plumber union card that he needs. In that case it may be more complicated depending on where he is. If it were in some large cities, the unions are so paranoid about getting excess plumbers that you almost have to be born into the business.

        • #287444
          Avatar photoSylvanLMP

            As a federal installation (base) they can always claim sovereign immunity as they are not subject to local codes.

            Most areas would allow for OJT if it can be documented by W2 forms saying this person did plumbing as his main job function.

            The unions HAVE NOTHING to do with the states licensing laws or journeymen testing.

            Again HJ proves WRONG as No one in my family other then me is a plumber Union or otherwise.

            What this employee can do is contact either the local state civil service commission OR contact the state department of labor and find out the requirements for getting the journeymen’s card.

            NOW for a point of information a Journeyman cannot work on his own BUT under the direct employ of a Master plumber EXCEPT in the employ of federal state and local governments.

            Even the post office has minimum skilled “plumbers” working in their employ NO formal training what so ever and no journeymen card and NO formal TESTING no licensing (amazing huh)

            Using HJ logic could you imagine the law suit the unions would face trying to prevent someone with the RIGHT TO WORK LAWS?

            How can any union be the only journeymen issuing governing body for licensing?

            This is still America I thought?

            This employee maybe able to be grand fathered in as he is already doing the job for so many years without taking any kind of test.

            The air force can always change his job title and still allow him/her to do the plumbing.

            If this employee is doing “minor repairs” most areas dont demand a plumbers card.

            California for example allows ANYONE to do up to $500 per job without a plumbing license.

            Go get em left coast. send my best to Hanoi Jane.

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