why toilet problems?

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Avatar photoGuest.
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    • #273256
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I had a new 1.6 toilet installed. Believe it or not, this is my 3rd one. In 2 months, the flush valued
        is warped. why did this happen. thanks

      • #287213
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Who did the installation? A lot of installer hold the tank by the Douglas valve or the ball cock when lowering the tank to the bowl.

          You may also have a not so good brand you have been using.

          Crane toilets I never had a problem with with over 1,500 installed up to date.

          The Crane toilet cost around $59.00 for the 1.6 and it is worth looking into. I have installed these in both my offices and never had a problem. Good luck

        • #287214
          Avatar photoGuest

            My parents had the same problem. They traced it to a bleach-based “2000 flushes” type product in the tank, and since they’ve stopped using the thing, the toilet’s been fine. BTW, they sent the damaged parts to the manufacturer and got their replacement cost reimbursed.

            If you’re not using one of those things, I would think the same problem might occur with heavily chlorinated water from the mains?

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