Pin Holes in Copper Pipe

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    • #272708
      Avatar photoAnonymous

        Please advise a reference for this problem and alternative causes. Right now I suspect galvanic action, but woule like references.

      • #286167
        Avatar photohj

          The usual cause is excessive water velocity due to an oversized circulator pump or undersized water pipes. In certain areas the water is very aggressive and will eat through copper lines.

        • #286168
          Avatar photoMike_Pantone1

            Please post more detailed information on this problem for discussion. We have a neighborhood that has 60+ residents who have had from 1 to 14 pin hole leaks. See posting Pin hole leaks in copper piping dated 9/16/00 by SteveG. for at least 3 possibilities.

          • #286169
            Avatar photoMike_Pantone1

              Please post more detailed information for discussion. We have a neighborhood that has 60+ homes that have from 1 to 14 pin hole leaks. See 3 possible answers in posting by SteveG. on 9/16/00 titles Pin hole leaks in copper.

            • #286170
              Avatar photoMike_Pantone1

                Please post more detailed information for discussion. We have a neighborhood that has 60+ homes that have from 1 to 14 pin hole leaks. See 3 possible answers in posting by SteveG. on 9/16/00 titles Pin hole leaks in copper.

              • #286171
                Avatar photoMike_Pantone1

                  Please post more details for discussion. For 3 possible problems, refer to posting by SteveG on 9/16/00 titled Pin hole leaks in copper.

                • #286172
                  Avatar photoMike_Pantone1

                    Please post more details for discussion. For 3 possible problems, refer to posting by SteveG on 9/16/00 titled Pin hole leaks in copper.

                  • #286173
                    Avatar photoMike_Pantone1

                      Please provide more details for discussion (inlc city, state). We have a neighborhood where 60+ homes have had 1 to 14 pin hole leaks in last 6 months. For 3 possible causes, see posting by SteveG. dated 9/16/00 titled Pin hole leaks in copper.

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