Groaning sound when turning off taps

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    • #272958
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Everytime we turn off a tap, there is a very loud sound that comes from the taps. It seems to last between 5 – 10 seconds. My father has changed every single washer (?) in every tap in the house and it is still making a sound. What is the cause ?

      • #286615
        Avatar photoTheLocalPlumber

          Go to the hardware store pick up a water pressure gauge-100#, the kind you can screw onto the hose bibb.
          Determine what the pressure is. If over 55#, like 75-90, then a pressure regulator should be installed at main water service.

          The Local Plumber
          Tustin, California

        • #286616
          Avatar photoSylvanLMP

            Hi what you failed to mention is that your father did not change the seats on these valves. I would also do the following. Try to isolate the actually hydraulic shock (water hammer) by having someone open and close these “taps” SLOWLY at 1st to see if it still happens THEN try it closing the taps a little faster.

            Rather than running all over the place looking for a gauge try keeping this simple as looking for an unsupported pipe or a quick closing valve like a washing machine or dishwasher. I am sure if you really take your time you can find the exact pipe/ tap causing this condition.
            Good Luck

          • #286617
            Avatar photohj

              If you have a water softener, put it into the bypass mode and see if the sound disappears.

            • #286618
              Avatar photodaveroconn

                I have seen undersink reverse osmosis systems with a bad check valve cause this same type of problem. Do you have an automatic outside sprinkler system? These can make noise like this as well. Take your time and really snoop around you will figure it out. Loose pipe close to wall my bet.

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