I acidently drilled a 1/4″ hole in an ABS drain pipe (the pipe was hidden behind the dry wall. Is there any way to fix this hole without installing a coupling?
Simple repair? Get a tap and tap this opening and then install a BRASS plug with Teflon tape OR Get the proper glue and try several coats of it until the hole is closed (Like filling a hole in a lead pipe with solder) OR find an epoxy like Hercules PROPOXY for plastic. OR increase the size of this hole and install a larger plug and make it a clean out for future stoppages. Or Cut the dang pipe and get a NO HUB Coupling (NOT FERNCO) and just reconnect this pipe with this coupling torque to 60″ pounds. Have a great week end.
Tap it to a 5/16 or 3/8 bolt thread and then go to your local hardware store and get a stainless steel or nylon bolt 3/8″ long. Wrap it with teflon tape, coat it with ABS cement and screw it in. Because of the radius of the pipe, the smaller the tap you can use the better the seal will be.