Reliance Water Heater

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    • #273438
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We purchased a Reliance water heater exactly 1year ago and now it is leaking, throwning a breaker and has a hot smell to it. I can not find the paper work on it. We purchased it from a Quality Stores and they were of no help. I have looked
        for a dealer on line and have had no help. Who can I contact to find out any info?????

      • #287664
        Avatar photoHarold Kestenholz

          There is not much to a water heater. The main parts are the pressure relief valve (yours is working) and the electric circuit (this is malfunctioning.) There are many plumbers who do understand the few parts in the electrical circuit (they frequently replace elements – yours are working overtime.)

          A most likely problem is that an element has failed and the current is blowing the breaker. The wiring or the limit control may be bad. Since the wiring diagram is usually on the cover of the element panel, an experienced, licensed plumber can repair the water heater. At worst you can have the plumber put in a new one.

        • #287665
          Avatar photoGuest

            Reliance is actually owned by State Industries

            Good luck

          • #287666
            Avatar photoGuest

              Good advice Harold. The only thing I might add is that the water heater may have a five year warranty. This warranty most likely is only for the vessel itself. Most of the electrical componets are a limited one year warranty.

            • #287667
              Avatar photobungie

                Of course the other reason it could be triping is the leak, sounds like it might be shorting it

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